Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I probably shouldn't title this post "This Week In Sports" as it indicates I will posting every week and don't want to make any such promise - but in any event, I just did. There is much on my mind as it relates to sports this week so here goes . . .

1. George Steinbrenner - love him or hate him, you GOTTA admit he was a character and a leader and made the Yankees the dominant force they are today. For that I love him. And he dies on All-Star Game day - a headline stealer to the end. R.I.P George.

2. LeBron James - there was much bandied about on that other website we won't mention (but it's intials are FB) a few nights ago. Half the people were cheering his move (these people all lived in Florida I think) and the other half were mad that it was getting this much attention. There are probably a few shades of other thoughts in between (like those who were just commenting on how much everyone was commenting). Here are my thoughts - while I admit the NBA means absolutely NOTHING to me and I cannot stand watching basketball, I do NOT understand why such a fuss was paid to this whole thing. It's like they were covering an election night!! Yes, I could wax poetic about how asinine it is that 10 MILLION people stopped what they were doing last week to watch this HOUR LONG special when there are 'real' issues in the world like the oil spill, wars, etc etc. I won't be that holier than thou - I spend lots of time watching equally silly crap on T.V. What REALLY boggles my mind is why he's been named "The King" (no offense Elvis) and is getting bajillion $$ to play his game when he is NOT proven to be a winner. AND WORSE, appeared to give up during the playoffs this year. I don't get it . . .I don't like it . . .I'm over it.

3. THE WORLD CUP!!!!!! I adore global sports; I think most of you know how giddy I get over the Olympics. I love the World Cup and watched as MUCH as possible, even with those pesky restraints of oh, say a job and a baby and a house to care for. But I got to thinkin about the World Cup and the state of soccer in general in this country, and here's where I landed. - Soccer will never reach the popularity of football or basketball. Even though I contend that more kids in the U.S. play soccer when they are little, it just doesn't hold enough power to overcome the big two. Even tho every World Cup year, the commentators talk about the growing popularity in the US and whether "this" will be the World Cup year that really establishes soccer in the US. It ain't gonna happen. Not to say it's not a great sport or great to watch, it's just not going to happen. Our good players go to Europe where the payday is good and there simply aren't enough 'stars' to make it a league with intriguing enough stories for people to get excited about. (Though Landon Donovan and his love child is fairly interesting). - "Club" soccer is confusing . . .there are so many leagues and players that play for multiple teams at different times of year; players go on loan to other teams (which I TOTALLY don't get)...we Americans like it simple. Baseball begins in April and ends in October. Football begins in August and ends in February. Hockey just goes on forever. A player is on one team until officially traded at prescribed points during the year. These are rules we understand . . .if Soccer is ever going to pick up around here, I think it needs clearer 'rules'! - REGARDLESS of the aforementioned - I STILL will cheer for US and hope they do well in the W.C. And I WILL watch the W.C. because it's FUN. Someone recently chided "World Cup Fans" for being a bunch of posers alleging that if we don't go to MLS games then we are just bandwagon hoppers 'for a few weeks every 4 years'. To this I say - WHO CARES!!! I don't go watch Track and Field events, Swimming Events, Beach Volleyball events, XGames or really ANY of the Olympic sports that I COULD go watch inbetween Olmpic years and I still love watching the Olympics. Should I go to an MLS game? Sure, why not. But I don't (and the 'burgh doesn't have a soccer team anyway). But there is NOTHING wrong with enjoying this sport once every 4 years to cheer on your country. If you think the game is boring, just give it a try in 2014 - I think you'll enjoy it - - - if for nothing else, all the delightful acting!

4. British Open - Tiger Woods, you're a jerk.

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