Monday, November 01, 2010

Consol Energy Center

I had the opportunity last week to go to the new Consol Energy Center to see a comedian. Sure - it wasn't a hockey game but it got me in the doors for the first time.

I have had the opportunity to see the new Meadowlands Arena and have been in newer stadiums and arenas - but this was the newest complex/arena I have been to. It was gorgeous inside. The most important thing in all reality is that there's lots of stalls in the ladies rooms. I was happy to see plentiful commodes and it was all very clean and accessible without a lot of lines.

Our seats for the show were pretty awesome and not likely the kind of seats we could afford if it were a hockey game. That said, getting ALL the way down to our seats and ALL the way back up for snacks and ladies rooms was quite a haul - but good for the quads.

I had one pretty big complaint, however.
As the DD the night of our visit I was happy to be having soda - UNTIL I get to the front of the fairly long snack line to see that the soda vendor at the brand new arena is RC???!!! What is this, 1986??

You mean to tell me you couldn't get Coke or Pepsi????? Are you freaking KIDDING ME??? Luckily they had Snapple to quench my thirst but come ON Consol . . . you spend $321M on a new arena and can't pony up a few bucks for a proper soda vendor contract? That's just plain old crazy-town.

1 comment:

TGog said...

I don't even know what to say... I didn't know they sold RC Cola (except at dirty water dog stands in Hoboken).