Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Maternity Marathon

Ok - this isn't the typical Extra Point blog post as I typically focus on big sports and events. But when I read this story, it was too interesting (amazing, crazy etc) not to share. I won't repeat too much of the article but in short: The Chicago Marathon was this past weekend and one runner finished in the most unique way . . .in labor. Just days from her due date this 27 year old completed the marathon (apparently running half and walking half) having contractions. She grabbed a quick bite then headed off to the hospital to have her baby. Now - I've never run a marathon. The most outrageous run I've ever done was a 5k. I AM however just days away from my own due date and right now walking briskly to the ladies room is about as athletic an endeavor as I can imagine. I mostly sit here in total admiration of this woman. To have the courage to run anywhere, for any reason, at 9 months pregnant makes me want to bow down to her! I suppose there are some out there that might question whether this is wise of her but hey, I'm no doctor. If her doctors say ok then I trust them (and duh - her too - she knows her body best!) In any event - Read and enjoy the full story. Way to go Amber!!


T-Gog said...

I thought the story couldn't be true... Yikes indeed!

Anonymous said...

I too was amazed and impressed. I believe her plumbing is not constructed like the rest of us....or something. She is a rock star!