Tuesday, August 03, 2010

T.W.I.S - v.4

Oooooooh yeah. This Week In Sports is SOOOO cool now - it's abbreviated to T.W.I.S. I am making an effort to have this post be a touch shorter since I think some of the past T.W.I.S. posts have been a little lengthy.

1. Way to go A-ROD!!! It's a very cool milestone and I can't help but remember that I was AT the 500th homerun on one of the most hilarious flukes. My esteemed co-bloggers parents decided 'hey, let's go to a Yankee game before Yankee stadium closes!'. We, a coupla New Yorkers at the time said 'GREAT! let's do it'. So we went on StubHub or some ticket outlet and paid a whole mess of money to go to a game several months down the road thinking,"Oooooh, we'll go in August which will be pretty close to the end of season so it will be cooler to be at the 'old Yankee Stadium' RIGHT before it closes"! Smart right? Trouble was - we were off by a year. The summer of 2007 was NOT in fact the last summer of 'old Yankee Stadium'. Feeling like a bunch of dolts when we figured that out, we decided to carry on, it's still a Yankee game right? Well wouldn't ya know it - we witnessed history that day. By accident. Wish I coulda been there today A-Rod! Good for you.

2. Brett Farve - retired??? or not??? Bottom line is this - back in the day when he was in his Cheesehead glory, I thought he was a down to earth, regular guy who just loved to play football. Now I think he's a down to earth, regular guy, who loves to play football, but doesn't realize that this flip flopping and holding his team hostage while he 'waits to decide' is making him look like a total A$$. You're being selfish Brett. You say, 'I will play this season if my ankle gets better'. Well guess what old man - the season has started. It's time to ____ or get off the pot. I wear my "Judas Farve" t-shirt with pride.

3. Hi GILLES!!!! Glad to know you're out there even if you can't figure out how to post a comment.

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