Saturday, November 12, 2011

When enough isn't enough

What has gone on at Penn State this week has been divisive, heartbreaking, disgusting and wrenching. I won't restate the facts - surely real journalists have done a better job at that than I could do. Here are my thoughts though about when doing just enough is a failure just the same as doing nothing at all.

I speak of Mike McQuery who, in 2002 visually witnessed a child being sexually assaulted and did nothing to stop it in the moment. In fact the action he took was to call his father then tell Joe Paterno. Joe then sent the information up the chain of command with the expectations that more senior people would take care of it. Of course as we know, nothing was done to save that boy in the moment, and little was done to stop a predator after that. It's been nearly 10 years and neither JoePa nor McQuery came forward to the authorities when it was clear the university wasn't doing enough.

There is so much outrage to be shared here and I have heard some come to the defense of Joe, nothing that he was not in fact the pedophile here and perhaps he's being made a scapegoat. Are his actions as bad as what Sandusky is accused of? No of course not - but here's why I have outrage. In the town of State College there is no more powerful person that Mister Joe Paterno. Had he been the single voice of what was right - had he called the Police with what he knew - had he stood up and said 'not acceptable' - this unspeakable tragedy could have been stopped at least ten years earlier. Just imagine if in 2002 Joe defended the defenseless; imagine if anyone had the courage to protect the boys that Mr. Sandusky systematically damaged and destroyed and stopped him ten years ago. Instead, no Joe and Mike washed their hands of it after they told someone else and went on sleeping at night.

Now he's fired, the program and his legacy are forever stained, bomb threats are being made and a proud football program is left reeling, and all because he didn't stand up for a child in need. THAT my friends is why there is outrage on my end.

Today in Happy Valley is Senior Day. There are 21 Seniors who had every expectation of finishing their college careers with their beloved JoePa, whose accomplishments are now completely unimportant in the shadow of this scandal. And frankly - I feel for these players. More is being asked of them than I suspect any other college team ever. They had nothing to do with any of this; they are not involved at all. In fact, given their age the young men playing for the Blue and White today are the same age as some of Sandusky's (alleged) earlier victims. This is NOT like the Duke Lacrosse scandal that was entirely ABOUT the players. These guys just wanted to play for JoePa, play for the Lions. Now they are left without their leader and are cast in the shadow of this dark dark time.

Normally I'm not a PSU fan. Part of me wants them to lose but that's just because I can be a little emotional and vindictive. Truthfully though, if I think of it, I want them to win today. Win without Joe. Win despite the ugliness. Win to show yourself that no one is bigger than PSU, no one is bigger than the team. Joe or not - the team can win. I hope they do.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Flex those games!

A few years ago when the NFL started Flexing their schedule to accommodate the more important and interesting games, I thought it was kind of B.S.
In the years since however, it really hasn't bothered me. It's nice that if in December - suddenly some random game appears to be of major consequence that you never would have guessed at the start of the season, that that game can get a bigger platform.

Here's what we're learning this year however with our Payton-less Colts - PERHAPS they should consider flexing earlier in the season. The first few weeks of the season, the Sunday and Monday night games have been complete BORES. I mean really 62-7!? Sure over the summer Colts vs. Saints sounds like a great game, but as we've seen, without Payton, the Colts are a Sunday1pm game. Period.

I mean would NBC and ESPN have to re-do their silly little opening songs at the start of their games? Sure - but frankly both are a bit contrived and hokey anyway (ESPN's probably in the market for a new song as it is after that Hank Williams Jr debacle). In any event, I'd be happy for a little unpredictability in favor of a watchable game.

Flex those games - SOONER please!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Maternity Marathon

Ok - this isn't the typical Extra Point blog post as I typically focus on big sports and events. But when I read this story, it was too interesting (amazing, crazy etc) not to share. I won't repeat too much of the article but in short: The Chicago Marathon was this past weekend and one runner finished in the most unique way . . .in labor. Just days from her due date this 27 year old completed the marathon (apparently running half and walking half) having contractions. She grabbed a quick bite then headed off to the hospital to have her baby. Now - I've never run a marathon. The most outrageous run I've ever done was a 5k. I AM however just days away from my own due date and right now walking briskly to the ladies room is about as athletic an endeavor as I can imagine. I mostly sit here in total admiration of this woman. To have the courage to run anywhere, for any reason, at 9 months pregnant makes me want to bow down to her! I suppose there are some out there that might question whether this is wise of her but hey, I'm no doctor. If her doctors say ok then I trust them (and duh - her too - she knows her body best!) In any event - Read and enjoy the full story. Way to go Amber!!

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Ya Gotta Go Joe . ..

This weekend marks the new fall season of college football. I must admit I'm not a huge fan. Why? Well - I have never lived in big college football towns or even regions. I have family who lives in the south and let me tell you - more important than what one does for a living is 'who do you root for?' I also have some moral problems with these teenagers/young twenty-somethings being used to make SO much money yet if they are taken out to dinner by a booster they can lose their scholarship. Bottom line is that for many college football players, their stay in college is merely a 'minor league football' career. They don't attend class or really even care about their education. So why do we pretend like they must be saints or priests? Let's give them a paycheck and a contract and a set of fair terms and conditions. It would be more honest. All that said, you just can't be a sports fan, especially an NFL fan and not know a few things about college football. Heck, I even watch it sometimes and kind of follow a few teams. This brings me to today's post. Joe. Sure, most of you already know what I'm talking about but for those of you who don't I'm talking about Joe Paterno. Joe Paterno is 84 years old and still the head coach of the Penn State football team. Joe is not just a coach, he's an institution. "JoePa" as he's known has held the position of head coach since 1966. This is outstanding. This is unreal. This is beyond commendable. This is also now starting to be a little crazy. During the pre-season this year, Joe was knocked over by a player careening off the field and broke his hip. There was some talk he wouldn't even be on the sideline for the opening game of the season. Nowadays when you hear Joe give a press conference he has the tell-tale slurred words of an old man. I've never met Joe or seen a Penn State football game. I've never particularly cared about how Penn State does year after year, but at his age, I'm not even sure Joe should be driving a CAR never mind leading this team. By hanging on and not graciously stepping down he is no doubt creating a terrible position for the university, students and his colleagues. Will he hang on SO long that his removal (forcibly or otherwise) become pitiable or hostile? Will he be defiant? Will he begin losing his faithful coaching staff who have held on in the expectation of taking the reins of this wagon? Will he begin losing recruits who are unsure about how long or whether JoePa will be their coach? It seems to me that the right and gracious thing to do would be to announce a departure, and do it soon. Don't force the university to do it. Don't believe that you are the same man at 84 than when you were 39, or shoot even 69! Refusing to acknowledge that an end is both near and coming is selfish and irresponsible to the "empire" you spent your life building. It's time to go Joe. It's up to do to lead the transition gracefully. Looking at these last couple years makes me want to thank Seinfeld for taking his own show off the air before it became a sad shell of its former self. JoePa could learn something from that.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Pirates are back to .500

And 5.5 games back from first place.

I really did want to buy a Pirates T-shirt this year . . .but I'm not just gonna give away my money. You boys gotta EARN it!

Come ON!

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

The Emotional Trade

We are now in the throes of normal August-ness. Baseball is heating up and Football is back in camp. Much of the news in the 'Burgh, ironically has been about baseball which is kind of nice. But as the Steelers have come back to camp there is once again controversy about the James Harrison article recently published in Men's Journal. Stirred into this pot of controversy are the remarks Rashard Mendenhall made via twitter over the summer about Osama Bin Laden. Oddly, not many people are talking about Hines Ward's DUI, but it's not far from MY mind.

Whenever the news breaks of one of these kinds of "happenings" off season part of me just groans and rolls my eyes. And of course, this years crop of shenanigans makes me think of the major drama last year of Ben's late night dalliances with a college girl in a bar bathroom. Duly noted, of course this year he's a little altar boy. Fresh from his summer wedding and now he's being princely in re-working his deal to help the Steelers stay under the salary cap. What a guy.

At times like this, I find it interesting that disgusted fans, at least in Pittsburgh - want them traded. Public was outraged last summer with Ben. Repeated calls made to radio stations and conversations over my own dinner table were akin to "I'd rather lose than win with him". Similarly with James Harrison and Rashard - "This is going to cause trouble in the locker room. Trade him". Or - "This guy's an idiot, trade him". (Still not sure how Hines has managed to keep his name generally out of this . . .I mean he could have KILLED a person, that's certainly a far greater offense than running your mouth on twitter). Even toward the end of the NHL season when Matt Cooke was banned for the 1st round of the playoffs for hockey thuggery, all over town people wanted him traded for repeatedly playing stupidly and putting the team in harms' way.

It has been my impression that people in Pittsburgh have prided themselves on not having the big ego super star (jerk) players. (So, bye bye Plaxico, no thanks Randy Moss, no WAY Terrell Owens). Teams around here only want to make the news for being awesome at sports - not who the athletes are dating or how famous they are. After all, that kind of attention tends to be followed by trouble; unless you're Derek Jeter. So this pride in teams constructed around athletes who are just good at their jobs, are suddenly in the news for something other than sports then suddenly everyone wants them traded. I must admit I count myself among these people - especially with Matt Cooke.

I can't help but wonder, is this common everywhere or just in Pittsburgh?
And more importantly, isn't all forgiven if the team wins? Truthfully?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

As I sit here in a hotel room watching the All Star game I wonder - does it matter? Do any of the All Star games really mean anything?

I mean sure - home field advantage is at stake in baseball. But most of these guys won't play in the World Series and I don't suspect that's a big motivator for these guys. I am sure this is more personal for them.

But at least there's SOMETHING at stake. I personally think the NFL All Star game is beyond stupid.

But what about you? What do you think? Are there any All Star games that really mean anything?

Do you watch because it matters or because there's nothing else on??

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:All Star matters

Monday, July 11, 2011

"I'm not a Yankee fan by any stretch, but I do like Derek Jeter".

No no - don't be mislead by the title; I AM a Yankee Fan. That quote however, was heard this morning on the radio. I live outside the NY market and therefore am subject to insidious Yankee hatred. You know what I'm talking about "Of course Yankees have the most World Series wins, they just buy championships". Blah blah . . .I always respond in my head "You would be thrilled if your team did the same".

Anyway - Derek Jeter's 3000th Hit over the weekend was the subject of much discussion, facebook activity, tweets and sports talk radio chatter regardless of where you live I suspect. Obviously this was a huge accomplishment. He's one of 28 men who've crossed this particular line, but he is the FIRST Yankee to do so. Even the most ardent Yankee haters (or dislikers) have to respect Derek Jeter.

Coincidentally - in the days leading up to his 3000th hit I read an article comparing A-Rod and Jeter and how Jeter is the consummate professional, the true Yankee. This article contended that A-Rod defrauded the Yankees into that massive contract, selling them on years of steriod induced performance which has never quite gelled in NY. A-Rod worked the system, lied and cheated his way into stardom, and Jeter, he's just the opposite. Sure, we've only ever seen him in pinstripes, which helps see him as the "true Yankee". But as I see it, Jeter is not boastful, he's not obsessed with turning himself into a brand (hear that LeBRON!), he embodies the celebrity of NYC and the Yankees without diving into unseemly relationships and off the field antics. The man has never had a whiff of scandal around him. And the best - he's been a key player in championship seasons, and stepped up when the moment needed him to. In a city that revels in power, celebrity, money and the Yankees - he could have taken a very different path all these years and lived a very "good" life. But he has chosen to play his game well and earn every ounce of respect he's being given. Even by Yankee Haters.

Age is cruel and no - he's not having an All Star season, despite this past weekend's achievement. But moments like that - being only the second person to achieve 3000 hits on an HR AND being the only Yankee to do so at all, makes him an All Star even if he's only having an average year.

Derek Jeter makes me still have hope for professional athletes, even amid the Tiger Woods', the Pacman Jones', the Cam Newtons' who care far more about their brand, their payday and themselves than the blessing it is to be where they are.

Congratulations Mr. Jeter.

(PS - WATCH THE US WOMEN's WORLD CUP SEMIFINAL ON WEDS AM. And if you haven't seen the highlights from yesterday's win over Brazil - go spend the time. It's worth it! They were amazing!!!!!!!!!!)

Monday, July 04, 2011

Final Wimbledon Thoughts . . .

Ok, I'll make this brief, because well - there's not that much more to say.
The big 'hub bub' made at Wimbledon about women grunting kind of infuriates me. Am I to understand that we would like our top female athletes to be superior, worthy of winning, fierce and strong worthy champions, but we'd like them to do so silently??

I cannot recall the last time we asked male athletes to behave this way. Does Miss Sharapova sound a bit "silly"?? Sure, I'll give you that. After a long match, it's kind of funny. But would I want her quiet especially if it tempered her game?? no!! no THANK YOU. Was I super looking forward to a Sharapova v. Azarenka final? Umm, no, I admit it would probably going to be an event best watched on mute. But how dare I sit here and tell them they should be more quiet!!??

Sorry y'all, if you don't want women making any noise while they compete then perhaps you should start watching a card tournament.

Oh and congrats to the winners. It was a great tournament and got me sufficiently excited for the U.S. Open!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

I love Wimbledon

I have always liked watching tennis, especially these big Grand Slam tournaments, but Wimbledon is special to me.

For one - I've actually been. In summer 2002, while I was living in London, I went for a day with a friend of mine. It wasn't a particularly nice weather day so we spent a lot of the day racing the rain. We we were poor graduate students so we didn't pay for fancy seats. We had the equivalent of "grounds" pass where you could experience the whole thing and get into any court that had General Admissions seats. We did get to see Martina Navratalova in a mixed doubles match, and Anna Kournekova in a doubles match as well. It was pretty fun!

Secondly - after my baby was born in 2009, I spent the first two weeks of her life watching Wimbledon at all hours of the day. Melanie Oudin was the big story that year coming out of no where as a little Cinderella.

Finally - back in 1999 my family was getting together for a reunion and I was staying at my grandma's apartment, on her couch. As a result I ended up getting up very early in the morning when she got up. I remember sitting on her couch, eating grape nuts with blueberries and watching Wimbledon. I can't precisely remember who we watched but those were the Sampras/Agassi days.

Bottom line is, if you're new to tennis watching - I'd say give this a try . . .it can be tense and super exciting. And if you happen to find it totally NOT exciting, it makes for a really great sport to nap with.

All this said, I admit I was actually watching the Pirates/Red Sox game yesterday afternoon and NOT watching Wimbledon. GASP! Too bad the Red Sox couldn't have been swept right out of town . . .but as Meatloaf says, 2 outta 3 ain't bad!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

YAWWWWWWWWWWWWN - The blog is awakened.

Ok, it's been about 7 months - I have received no requests begging for my thoughtful quips on the wide world of sports (is that term trademarked ABC?) however I thought - hey someone might be happy to see content return here. So let's wake the sleeping blog and see what happens.

So after 7 months where to begin?
- a summary of why Cam Newton is as corrupt as a politician? Or his new "brother from another mother", Terrell Pryor?
- Lance Armstrong looking as guilty as all get out while being the ONLY person (besides his lawyer) claiming his innocence? (Seriously - does ANYONE think he's not a cheater?? I'm not kidding - please, if you truly think he's innocent - defend the guy. I wanna hear your thoughts!)
- the NFL negotiations?
- My utter joy (and schadenfreude) over LeBron "Wish I Was As Good As Jordan" James LOSING the NBA Championship???
- Tiger Woods apparently sucks at golf unless he's cheating on his wife?
- FIFA . . . .oh FIFA. The scandals??

All too much to cover. There's no point in going backwards, so let's go forward.

I declare:
If the Pittsburgh Pirates end the season AT or ABOVE .500, I will buy a pirates t-shirt.