Tuesday, July 12, 2011

As I sit here in a hotel room watching the All Star game I wonder - does it matter? Do any of the All Star games really mean anything?

I mean sure - home field advantage is at stake in baseball. But most of these guys won't play in the World Series and I don't suspect that's a big motivator for these guys. I am sure this is more personal for them.

But at least there's SOMETHING at stake. I personally think the NFL All Star game is beyond stupid.

But what about you? What do you think? Are there any All Star games that really mean anything?

Do you watch because it matters or because there's nothing else on??

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:All Star matters


T-Gog said...

There's PLENTY of other things on... We watched 7 hours of Tour de France coverage... showing some of the most gruesome crashes EVER... including one where a young rider in his first TDF was hit by a media car, thrown into barbed wire, FINISHED the stage (?), got 33 stitches and rode the NEXT stage too... That's amazing athleticism and courage... beyond compare. The All-Star game? Ummmm.... not.

JR Jung said...

They are all useless. None of them are even entertaining. I think they have outlived their useful life.