I know I've missed a few big stories lately - but all that pesky full-time job, family, holiday business tends to get in the way. But as I find myself travelling for work and sitting in a hotel room today, I am able to catch up on blogging!!
So - the firing of Brad Childress? Nope. The cutting of Jeff Reed? Nope. The bitch-slap Richard Seymour laid down on Ben Roethlisberger? Nope. Today my attention turns to the World Cup and the US bid to host in 2022.
I think it would be AWESOME to host the World Cup. For one, I have never understood why the sport of soccer loses its appeal despite the fact that I suspect more boys and girls grow up having played soccer than almost any other sport. I get that pursuing it as a professional loses some appeal in this country because there is nowhere near the amount of money or fame as other sports offer, but you'd think as a spectator more people would enjoy watching the professional sport of their youth.
Back in 2002 I lived abroad during the World Cup and got totally engulfed in the soccermania! It was thrilling - and I am quite sure with a bigger stage in the U.S - Soccer could be just as exciting as other pro sports. Of course that will take time and hosting the Cup would be an awesome step.
I assure you this - if US Hosts, I will GO!!!!
And, we won't have vuvzela's!
The announcement is in 9 days kids. Fingers crossed!!!!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Uhh . . .
something tells me the Steelers might be coming down a couple notches on the Power Rankings after the total egg they just laied tonight.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Oh Yuk.
Ok - the power rankings are back out. Good news - Steelers are still number 2. Bad news - the dreaded Ravens are number 1!!!!!!!!
Here's why I am not concerned however.
1. they ARE number two - they could be number 22 or worse, 32! It's merely because of who number one is that stings.
2. In my 5 yrs of being intimately aware of the Steelers (a fan by marriage, you see) I find they have ALWAYS done better when the glare of the spotlight wasn't solely focused on them. They do better when people are looking elsewhere!
Here's why I am not concerned however.
1. they ARE number two - they could be number 22 or worse, 32! It's merely because of who number one is that stings.
2. In my 5 yrs of being intimately aware of the Steelers (a fan by marriage, you see) I find they have ALWAYS done better when the glare of the spotlight wasn't solely focused on them. They do better when people are looking elsewhere!
Sunday, November 07, 2010
What should you DO!?!?
Shut up.
That's what you should do.
Just check your ego - which is no doubt every bit as large as your massive frame - at the door.
Don't declare your greatness - earn it.
Until then. . . Shut up.
I'm reposting this from it's original post because this video - which was not made by Jordan and apparently made by a fan - hs surfaced. While this may not be Nike or Jordan made, the words and sentiment sure do fit.
As I said in the original post - you gotta earn your greatness.
That's what you should do.
Just check your ego - which is no doubt every bit as large as your massive frame - at the door.
Don't declare your greatness - earn it.
Until then. . . Shut up.
I'm reposting this from it's original post because this video - which was not made by Jordan and apparently made by a fan - hs surfaced. While this may not be Nike or Jordan made, the words and sentiment sure do fit.
As I said in the original post - you gotta earn your greatness.
Monday, November 01, 2010
Consol Energy Center
I had the opportunity last week to go to the new Consol Energy Center to see a comedian. Sure - it wasn't a hockey game but it got me in the doors for the first time.
I have had the opportunity to see the new Meadowlands Arena and have been in newer stadiums and arenas - but this was the newest complex/arena I have been to. It was gorgeous inside. The most important thing in all reality is that there's lots of stalls in the ladies rooms. I was happy to see plentiful commodes and it was all very clean and accessible without a lot of lines.
Our seats for the show were pretty awesome and not likely the kind of seats we could afford if it were a hockey game. That said, getting ALL the way down to our seats and ALL the way back up for snacks and ladies rooms was quite a haul - but good for the quads.
I had one pretty big complaint, however.
As the DD the night of our visit I was happy to be having soda - UNTIL I get to the front of the fairly long snack line to see that the soda vendor at the brand new arena is RC???!!! What is this, 1986??
You mean to tell me you couldn't get Coke or Pepsi????? Are you freaking KIDDING ME??? Luckily they had Snapple to quench my thirst but come ON Consol . . . you spend $321M on a new arena and can't pony up a few bucks for a proper soda vendor contract? That's just plain old crazy-town.
I have had the opportunity to see the new Meadowlands Arena and have been in newer stadiums and arenas - but this was the newest complex/arena I have been to. It was gorgeous inside. The most important thing in all reality is that there's lots of stalls in the ladies rooms. I was happy to see plentiful commodes and it was all very clean and accessible without a lot of lines.
Our seats for the show were pretty awesome and not likely the kind of seats we could afford if it were a hockey game. That said, getting ALL the way down to our seats and ALL the way back up for snacks and ladies rooms was quite a haul - but good for the quads.
I had one pretty big complaint, however.
As the DD the night of our visit I was happy to be having soda - UNTIL I get to the front of the fairly long snack line to see that the soda vendor at the brand new arena is RC???!!! What is this, 1986??
You mean to tell me you couldn't get Coke or Pepsi????? Are you freaking KIDDING ME??? Luckily they had Snapple to quench my thirst but come ON Consol . . . you spend $321M on a new arena and can't pony up a few bucks for a proper soda vendor contract? That's just plain old crazy-town.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Another Week - Another Controversy
I really wish the Steelers would go back to just being the team that quietly won football games while everyone else was busy talking about the Pats, Colts, Cowboys and Chargers. Sadly however, another week comes and goes and the Steelers are once again at the center of some controversy.
I won't summarize for those who don't know - as I suspect you probably DO know if you're checking in a sports blog. But both last week's issues with the 'hard hits' and this weeks shenanigans with the touchdown-fumble-recovery question makes me wonder, why does the NFL not do a better job commenting on these issues?
It seems to me last week was spent in a whirl of questions about new rules relating to penalizing hard hits with heftier fines and suspensions. This week now every major sports outlet has a different take on the Gene Steratore call. Some articles calling it a missed call, blown call, a consipiracy and some calling it the correct call. One article today even from an "Ex NFL exec" says it was correct.
It seems to me if the NFL had some kind of weekly press conference to answer some of these questions, it would go far to help stop the rumors, clarify gray areas and in general make people understand that the NFL isn't a shady operation making up rules as it goes, lead by a man with a God complex. There - my two cents. Get your PR folks together with the press on Wednesdays to answer the week's questions.
Once again, I solve the world's problems.
Other miscellaneous thoughts
1. the Vikings v Packers game was AWESOME. Great game - tight contest. Glad the Pack won.
2. I didn't see most of the Giants v Cowboys last night but finally now perhaps everyone will stop claiming them Superbowl champs. Tony's injury is devastating for them, that's for sure.
3. I really want to get excited about the World Series, but I'm not. I know it's clearly due in large part to the Yanks not being in it. I think too though that Pittsburgh being such a FOOTBALL and HOCKEY city - there just isn't excitement for baseball at all. As far as the 'burgh is concerned, baseball season ends when NFL preseason begins. I can see why but it's a bummer. If I have to pick a team though, I'm going with SF.
I won't summarize for those who don't know - as I suspect you probably DO know if you're checking in a sports blog. But both last week's issues with the 'hard hits' and this weeks shenanigans with the touchdown-fumble-recovery question makes me wonder, why does the NFL not do a better job commenting on these issues?
It seems to me last week was spent in a whirl of questions about new rules relating to penalizing hard hits with heftier fines and suspensions. This week now every major sports outlet has a different take on the Gene Steratore call. Some articles calling it a missed call, blown call, a consipiracy and some calling it the correct call. One article today even from an "Ex NFL exec" says it was correct.
It seems to me if the NFL had some kind of weekly press conference to answer some of these questions, it would go far to help stop the rumors, clarify gray areas and in general make people understand that the NFL isn't a shady operation making up rules as it goes, lead by a man with a God complex. There - my two cents. Get your PR folks together with the press on Wednesdays to answer the week's questions.
Once again, I solve the world's problems.
Other miscellaneous thoughts
1. the Vikings v Packers game was AWESOME. Great game - tight contest. Glad the Pack won.
2. I didn't see most of the Giants v Cowboys last night but finally now perhaps everyone will stop claiming them Superbowl champs. Tony's injury is devastating for them, that's for sure.
3. I really want to get excited about the World Series, but I'm not. I know it's clearly due in large part to the Yanks not being in it. I think too though that Pittsburgh being such a FOOTBALL and HOCKEY city - there just isn't excitement for baseball at all. As far as the 'burgh is concerned, baseball season ends when NFL preseason begins. I can see why but it's a bummer. If I have to pick a team though, I'm going with SF.
Friday, October 22, 2010
On Violence . . .
Ok - so this post has been days in coming . . .you'll learn good Extra Point readers that I have a job so getting to the posts isn't really ever breaking news. But I'm pretty sure you know I have no press credentials so I probably won't ever have breaking news - just something to say about recent news.
In any event - some pretty news worthy things went down in football last weekend. Here are the events as I see them.
1. There was a terrible tragedy in New Jersey and an RU football player was forever changed by an injury which rendered him paralyzed at the neck down.
2. The NFL had three games in which there were major hard hits (well 3 games as of Monday - apparently a few more by Friday)
Here's how I see it . . .had that horrible tragedy NOT happened on Saturday, the sensitivity Sunday would not have been as heightened, but always in the light of such a sad terrible tragedy are we ever more aware and vigilant. Remember a few years ago when there was that fire in an over crowded Rhode Island nightclub? Well about two weeks later, I was out at some bars in a town in NJ that was never ever ever more STRICT on the headcount in their bar. Anyway - the terrible events of Saturday created a more pointed lens Sunday.
Regardless of why - the lens was sharp and the punishments were handed out by the NFL joyfully. I am of three thoughts here...
1. I understand the people that say things like "well - you know what you were signing up for. You're in the NFL. You get hit hard. You might get a concussion, that's just the name of the game". ok. I see that point. But immediately I think that driving a car is inherently dangerous and you would NEVER tell the victim of a deadly accident that 'they knew what they were signing up for'. As a society we adopt new regulations to use car seats, wear seat belts, build cars with airbags because we DON'T want to die on the highway. It still might happen but we never stop striving to stop it. So to say that these players 'get what they deserve' is just plain heartless. RIGHT as soon as I say that I think about the civilian contractors serving in war areas . . .they get massive salaries, often at no tax because they are willing to sacrifice and work in these dangerous areas. It's called hazard pay. If THEY get shot in a war zone, you kind of DO say 'you knew what you were signing up for'. Like a contractor in a warzone, these professional athletes make MILES more money then most of us could ever dream. This IS what they signed up for. Their skill will make them rich and famous. Big reward comes with big risk.
2. In more than one of these cases - there was NO penalty thrown in the game or even on further review considered to have been an illegal hit. YET they are considered in retrospect are 'flagrant'. So - if they WERE legal - then WHY IS THERE A FINE? If they were illegal and weren't called - then WHY DO THE REFS PAY NO PENALTY!!?? I just dont understand how something that happens in the game which is illegal NOT being called is a price for the player to pay. Or if something that IS legal still being penalized means the rules aren't right. But to START enforcing a rule without notice or agreement in the middle of the season all of a sudden - it's like finding out half way through a 5k race that it's actually a Marathon. you simply cannot change the rules half way through. Fine, NFL - you want stricter rules? FINE but change them officially and fairly and make it well known before the season starts.
3. Sure - sometimes the league steps in and makes a statement when a player has been out of line. They step in with a 5k or 10k fine. Sometimes even a 20k fine. But 50k??? 75k???? Are you KIDDING ME? Wait now I tell myself. For players making many millions of dolalrs a year 50k might sting but it's not detrimental. It's the same amount Dez Bryant had to pay in dinner a few weeks ago. Maybe I'm a bit of a cynic - but it seems to me that the league is putting on a show here. 50-75k is the kind of money that makes Joe Q Citizen stand up and take notice because for most of us it's all or most of our annual salary. Not our friends in the NFL however. If the NFL REALLY wanted to make a change and make players more safe they would take REAL action like force the 'concussion proof' helmets. Shoot - force the players to play with NO helmets! (pretty sure you'd be a lot more careful with your noggin if you had nothing protecting it). My darling husband even suggested implementing a 'fair catch' rule all throughout the game so any receiver could protect themselves. This therefore negates the 'defenseless receiver' BS. Or the NFL could suspend people? Or fine them 1M dollars...bottom line is the NFL put on a show. It won't stop concussions and to at ALL pretend a 50k fine will do anything is crazy.
I'm glad James Harrison got over his big old bruised ego and he goes back to playng his game.
I hope the NFL stops changing the name of the game in mid-stream.
I hope the hard hits don't stop - afterall, what would they put in the Renegade video if they do!!??
oh - one last thought here - I'm bummed the Yanks won't be in the World Series. Here's hoping the Giants get the job done of my Philly fan friends on facebook will be relentless and I can think of nothing more barfy than a Philly fan gloating.
In any event - some pretty news worthy things went down in football last weekend. Here are the events as I see them.
1. There was a terrible tragedy in New Jersey and an RU football player was forever changed by an injury which rendered him paralyzed at the neck down.
2. The NFL had three games in which there were major hard hits (well 3 games as of Monday - apparently a few more by Friday)
Here's how I see it . . .had that horrible tragedy NOT happened on Saturday, the sensitivity Sunday would not have been as heightened, but always in the light of such a sad terrible tragedy are we ever more aware and vigilant. Remember a few years ago when there was that fire in an over crowded Rhode Island nightclub? Well about two weeks later, I was out at some bars in a town in NJ that was never ever ever more STRICT on the headcount in their bar. Anyway - the terrible events of Saturday created a more pointed lens Sunday.
Regardless of why - the lens was sharp and the punishments were handed out by the NFL joyfully. I am of three thoughts here...
1. I understand the people that say things like "well - you know what you were signing up for. You're in the NFL. You get hit hard. You might get a concussion, that's just the name of the game". ok. I see that point. But immediately I think that driving a car is inherently dangerous and you would NEVER tell the victim of a deadly accident that 'they knew what they were signing up for'. As a society we adopt new regulations to use car seats, wear seat belts, build cars with airbags because we DON'T want to die on the highway. It still might happen but we never stop striving to stop it. So to say that these players 'get what they deserve' is just plain heartless. RIGHT as soon as I say that I think about the civilian contractors serving in war areas . . .they get massive salaries, often at no tax because they are willing to sacrifice and work in these dangerous areas. It's called hazard pay. If THEY get shot in a war zone, you kind of DO say 'you knew what you were signing up for'. Like a contractor in a warzone, these professional athletes make MILES more money then most of us could ever dream. This IS what they signed up for. Their skill will make them rich and famous. Big reward comes with big risk.
2. In more than one of these cases - there was NO penalty thrown in the game or even on further review considered to have been an illegal hit. YET they are considered in retrospect are 'flagrant'. So - if they WERE legal - then WHY IS THERE A FINE? If they were illegal and weren't called - then WHY DO THE REFS PAY NO PENALTY!!?? I just dont understand how something that happens in the game which is illegal NOT being called is a price for the player to pay. Or if something that IS legal still being penalized means the rules aren't right. But to START enforcing a rule without notice or agreement in the middle of the season all of a sudden - it's like finding out half way through a 5k race that it's actually a Marathon. you simply cannot change the rules half way through. Fine, NFL - you want stricter rules? FINE but change them officially and fairly and make it well known before the season starts.
3. Sure - sometimes the league steps in and makes a statement when a player has been out of line. They step in with a 5k or 10k fine. Sometimes even a 20k fine. But 50k??? 75k???? Are you KIDDING ME? Wait now I tell myself. For players making many millions of dolalrs a year 50k might sting but it's not detrimental. It's the same amount Dez Bryant had to pay in dinner a few weeks ago. Maybe I'm a bit of a cynic - but it seems to me that the league is putting on a show here. 50-75k is the kind of money that makes Joe Q Citizen stand up and take notice because for most of us it's all or most of our annual salary. Not our friends in the NFL however. If the NFL REALLY wanted to make a change and make players more safe they would take REAL action like force the 'concussion proof' helmets. Shoot - force the players to play with NO helmets! (pretty sure you'd be a lot more careful with your noggin if you had nothing protecting it). My darling husband even suggested implementing a 'fair catch' rule all throughout the game so any receiver could protect themselves. This therefore negates the 'defenseless receiver' BS. Or the NFL could suspend people? Or fine them 1M dollars...bottom line is the NFL put on a show. It won't stop concussions and to at ALL pretend a 50k fine will do anything is crazy.
I'm glad James Harrison got over his big old bruised ego and he goes back to playng his game.
I hope the NFL stops changing the name of the game in mid-stream.
I hope the hard hits don't stop - afterall, what would they put in the Renegade video if they do!!??
oh - one last thought here - I'm bummed the Yanks won't be in the World Series. Here's hoping the Giants get the job done of my Philly fan friends on facebook will be relentless and I can think of nothing more barfy than a Philly fan gloating.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
I like a good competition . . .
Really, I do. It's fun to see new and different teams rise to the top of their field all the time.
That said of course, Yankees should always be in the post season. I mean really - is there anything better than baking an apple pie while watching the YANKEES play baseball in October?
Let me answer that for you.
No. There is not.
Now - with that out of the way.The NFL this year is proving to have a pretty exciting season. I was saying this afternoon that you just don't feel like the Patriots and Colts of years past are really the same as the Pats and Colts of '10. And even the Steelers who continue to top the ESPN Power Rankings - there hangs in the air a feeling that just about anything could happen, be it Superbowl Championship or 10 straight losses. I think nothing would surprise us with the Steelers this year.
Frankly - this year has turned into a huge surprise for lots of teams.
- Cowboys cannot win a game. Or - ahem - have only one ONE game
- Packers were touted early for being definite contenders and are suddenly forgettable after a couple injuries
- Despite all the star power, the Bengles are NOT having the season they expected they would
- The Jets are turning into a better team than I think a lot of people might have guessed at the start of the season
- The Vikings are turning into a much worse team than I think a lot of people might have guessed at the start of the season
- The glow of the Chargers has dimmed and it just doesn't seem it's clicking
- Finally the Redskins appear to have the makings of a solid team - despite all the Haynesworth drama
- The Eagles have TWO awesome quarterbacks that apparently can be interchanged!!?? (Careful Kolb and Vick - they turn on the qb's there - even if you're good)!
Don't get me wrong - I want the Steelers to win the Superbowl. I imagine it will be much like seeing the Yankees win the World Series while living in NY, but MAN it's fun to approach every Sunday with the sense that all games matter. All teams matter (well, maybe not for Detroit, SF or Cleveland - but hang in there. Someone's gotta lose), and the race to the ring is really up for grabs.
THIS is why having a championship decided by games and records, not votes and favorites - makes the NFL better than college football. Sure - a practical person would say the Lions should aim for last to get the first draft pick...but truly at this point ANYTHING can happen. In college - you lose twice and you're done. Forget it.
Not in the pro's baby. Anyone can get that ring. And that couldn't be any truer than it is this year.
That said of course, Yankees should always be in the post season. I mean really - is there anything better than baking an apple pie while watching the YANKEES play baseball in October?
Let me answer that for you.
No. There is not.
Now - with that out of the way.The NFL this year is proving to have a pretty exciting season. I was saying this afternoon that you just don't feel like the Patriots and Colts of years past are really the same as the Pats and Colts of '10. And even the Steelers who continue to top the ESPN Power Rankings - there hangs in the air a feeling that just about anything could happen, be it Superbowl Championship or 10 straight losses. I think nothing would surprise us with the Steelers this year.
Frankly - this year has turned into a huge surprise for lots of teams.
- Cowboys cannot win a game. Or - ahem - have only one ONE game
- Packers were touted early for being definite contenders and are suddenly forgettable after a couple injuries
- Despite all the star power, the Bengles are NOT having the season they expected they would
- The Jets are turning into a better team than I think a lot of people might have guessed at the start of the season
- The Vikings are turning into a much worse team than I think a lot of people might have guessed at the start of the season
- The glow of the Chargers has dimmed and it just doesn't seem it's clicking
- Finally the Redskins appear to have the makings of a solid team - despite all the Haynesworth drama
- The Eagles have TWO awesome quarterbacks that apparently can be interchanged!!?? (Careful Kolb and Vick - they turn on the qb's there - even if you're good)!
Don't get me wrong - I want the Steelers to win the Superbowl. I imagine it will be much like seeing the Yankees win the World Series while living in NY, but MAN it's fun to approach every Sunday with the sense that all games matter. All teams matter (well, maybe not for Detroit, SF or Cleveland - but hang in there. Someone's gotta lose), and the race to the ring is really up for grabs.
THIS is why having a championship decided by games and records, not votes and favorites - makes the NFL better than college football. Sure - a practical person would say the Lions should aim for last to get the first draft pick...but truly at this point ANYTHING can happen. In college - you lose twice and you're done. Forget it.
Not in the pro's baby. Anyone can get that ring. And that couldn't be any truer than it is this year.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Forgive me - it's been a bit . . .
I haven't posted this week - I have been distracted by life things . . .job things . . .and the Chilean Mine Rescue
So you know, the Steelers are still number 1 in the power rankings. Sadly #'s 2 and 3 are also AFC teams. Booo. This makes my hopes for attending the Steelers v. Jets game in December all the more exciting all of a sudden. Who would have guessed back in August when I placed my ticket wishlist!!?? We shall see what happens Sunday, but I'm pretty sure if Ben doesn't win Sunday #7 jerseys will be burned in effigy. This town's patience is short.
Other things that remain:
So you know, the Steelers are still number 1 in the power rankings. Sadly #'s 2 and 3 are also AFC teams. Booo. This makes my hopes for attending the Steelers v. Jets game in December all the more exciting all of a sudden. Who would have guessed back in August when I placed my ticket wishlist!!?? We shall see what happens Sunday, but I'm pretty sure if Ben doesn't win Sunday #7 jerseys will be burned in effigy. This town's patience is short.
Other things that remain:
- Brett Favre is a pig, like Tiger.
- Yankees rule and begin their quest for AL supremacy tomorrow night.
- If the Penguins don't start winning at home there will be a riot in Pittsburgh.
Monday, October 11, 2010
A Case of Same Old, Same Old
Today the fine world of football is a case of two stories that seem awfully familiar.
Brett Favre has "apologized" to his current teammates for being a distraction. That distraction my friends is because allegations have surfaced that he inappropriately texted, voicemailed and naked pic'ed a super hot employee of the New York Jets when he was their QB. This former Maxim and Playboy model has not made the allegation - and somehow clips of his voicemails have made the news. In addition a massage therapist employed by the team has come forward saying he was texting her as well. In summary, he was trying to get into this hot girls pants.
Mr. Favre - you should have learned from Jerry Seinfeld and quit while you were ahead. All you've done in the last three years is beat up your reputation, turned many of your former die hard fans against you and now you've apparently grotesquely embarrassed yourself, violated the trust your wife had in you, and made yourself look like an aging former 'once-was'.
Welcome to club, says Tiger Woods, Ben Roethlisberger and Kobe Bryant (while we're at it, Elliot Spitzer says Welcome to you too).
Brett - you're gross.
Next on my list today is the DALLAS COWBOYS. I don't know if I could guess how many years now the Dallas Cowboys have been pre-ordained Superbowl contenders. Let's just say, this year was one of them. Again. And here they are now at 1-3 and I can't help but wonder WHY!!!!?????
Isn't the definition of insane doing the same thing repeatedly, expecting a different outcome? Why oh why sporting pundits - does this team earn your respect when they've not yet earned it! It's kind of like paying a rookie who's never taken an NFL snap many millions of dollars over the promise of what they might achieve.
I have always disliked this team. I take issue with them being called America's Team. I am an American and they are NOT my team. It's been a while since they actually were contenders. Until they actually make the Superbowl - how about we go ahead and stop waving the magic wand in ther direction.
Cowboys - you're overrated.
Brett Favre has "apologized" to his current teammates for being a distraction. That distraction my friends is because allegations have surfaced that he inappropriately texted, voicemailed and naked pic'ed a super hot employee of the New York Jets when he was their QB. This former Maxim and Playboy model has not made the allegation - and somehow clips of his voicemails have made the news. In addition a massage therapist employed by the team has come forward saying he was texting her as well. In summary, he was trying to get into this hot girls pants.
Mr. Favre - you should have learned from Jerry Seinfeld and quit while you were ahead. All you've done in the last three years is beat up your reputation, turned many of your former die hard fans against you and now you've apparently grotesquely embarrassed yourself, violated the trust your wife had in you, and made yourself look like an aging former 'once-was'.
Welcome to club, says Tiger Woods, Ben Roethlisberger and Kobe Bryant (while we're at it, Elliot Spitzer says Welcome to you too).
Brett - you're gross.
Next on my list today is the DALLAS COWBOYS. I don't know if I could guess how many years now the Dallas Cowboys have been pre-ordained Superbowl contenders. Let's just say, this year was one of them. Again. And here they are now at 1-3 and I can't help but wonder WHY!!!!?????
Isn't the definition of insane doing the same thing repeatedly, expecting a different outcome? Why oh why sporting pundits - does this team earn your respect when they've not yet earned it! It's kind of like paying a rookie who's never taken an NFL snap many millions of dollars over the promise of what they might achieve.
I have always disliked this team. I take issue with them being called America's Team. I am an American and they are NOT my team. It's been a while since they actually were contenders. Until they actually make the Superbowl - how about we go ahead and stop waving the magic wand in ther direction.
Cowboys - you're overrated.
October is awesome
I love October. . .
- the weather has started to turn so it's cooler at night but the sun still feels warm
- sometimes you want a sweater
- harvest time means awesome baking/cooking options
- Football is in full swing
- Baseball is in the playoffs
- Hockey is getting starts
- (I officially don't care about the NBA)
I have made my signature apple pie in honor of my beloved Yankees and look forward to making another as they make it to the World Series.
Ok, this was more about food than sports, but something I feel like sharing!
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
No football in 2011?
I honestly cannot tell you what this news does to my spirit . . . no I WILL tell you - it CRUSHES MY SPIRIT.
I am trying to find some good info on both sides and what the sticking points are but here's a nice thought from Jimmy Johnson.
Well said sir. Well said.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
When a team sucks - someone loses their job . . .
This my friends is a fact of life. Two recent cases in point:
1. The Monday Night Meltdown of the Miami Dolphins cost their special teams coach his job. Sure, the Pat's scored off various special teams failures - but should he have lost his JOB over a signle loss? I would hope there was more to it than just one embarrassing loss (to a division rival on national television). Yes it stings but to fire him?? I think it's a bit rash. I don't know if Dolphins fans out there have another spin on this. Maybe he'd sucked for years and was bungling things all the time. Maybe last night was the proverbial straw. It seems unwarranted.
2. The opposite however is true for old John Russell - the beleagured manager of the crappy Pirates. He was part of the (most recent) 5 year plan for the Pirates to turn things around. He was in year 3 of that 5 year plan. You simply cannot LOSE as much as he did and not pay a price.
I'm sure some of the Pirates faithful (or perhaps John Rusell's mom) would say that he should have had the chance to complete the 5 year plan. Or one could make the very valid point that not even the greatest manager in the game could make this a winning team. No talent is no talent, no matter how hard you try to coach them.
BUT - when you're averaging about 100 LOSSES A SEASON (that's right Yankee fans, take that in - 100 LOSSES A SEASON) with absolutley ZERO trend upward - I'm sorry you gotta go. I don't expect a coach to take this team and make them playoff contenders in one year but please - in THREE years - show me SOMETHING.
Now here's the question Pirates management - does this restart the 5 year plan??? Gosh I hope not . . . I sure would like to live in a city with a winning team once again. (Love ya Yankees!)
1. The Monday Night Meltdown of the Miami Dolphins cost their special teams coach his job. Sure, the Pat's scored off various special teams failures - but should he have lost his JOB over a signle loss? I would hope there was more to it than just one embarrassing loss (to a division rival on national television). Yes it stings but to fire him?? I think it's a bit rash. I don't know if Dolphins fans out there have another spin on this. Maybe he'd sucked for years and was bungling things all the time. Maybe last night was the proverbial straw. It seems unwarranted.
2. The opposite however is true for old John Russell - the beleagured manager of the crappy Pirates. He was part of the (most recent) 5 year plan for the Pirates to turn things around. He was in year 3 of that 5 year plan. You simply cannot LOSE as much as he did and not pay a price.
I'm sure some of the Pirates faithful (or perhaps John Rusell's mom) would say that he should have had the chance to complete the 5 year plan. Or one could make the very valid point that not even the greatest manager in the game could make this a winning team. No talent is no talent, no matter how hard you try to coach them.
BUT - when you're averaging about 100 LOSSES A SEASON (that's right Yankee fans, take that in - 100 LOSSES A SEASON) with absolutley ZERO trend upward - I'm sorry you gotta go. I don't expect a coach to take this team and make them playoff contenders in one year but please - in THREE years - show me SOMETHING.
Now here's the question Pirates management - does this restart the 5 year plan??? Gosh I hope not . . . I sure would like to live in a city with a winning team once again. (Love ya Yankees!)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
YES YES YES - I just can't get enough NFL. It's sure as $h!t better than 4 boring pre-season games before the fun begins. Ultimately it doesn't add to the weeks (not that I would care if they did, I love it!) it just converts 2 boring weeks into weeks I would pay attention to.
That is all.
The Power Rankings . . . .
Tuesdays are a fun day (well during Football season anyway) . . .why you ask?
The power rankings get published, if you don't know about this - it's kinda like the NCAA ranking polls but without any consequence.
Further rants on the stupidity of the NCAA system will be saved for another day.
Anyway - here is week 4's report
I will summarize for you:
Steelers are NUMBER ONE BABY! Why? Cuz defense rules the school my friends. To quote the basketball coach of my middle school - the best way to win is to score more points than the other team. (sigh, I shake my head). Anyway - if your team doesn't ever allow any points, then your offense can be totally anemic and you still kick butt. Now - add to that a ROBUST offense and hooray! #1. Well deserved.
See you at Heinz Field Sunday.
Other thoughts on the power rankings . . .I'm not sure the Saints deserve the #2 spot . . .but I will reserve judgement for another week or two and see what effect the missing Reggie Bush has.
Same story for the 5th, 6th and 7th place teams - - - but really we're dealing with fractional difference here so I'm ok really with the top 10.
I can imagine though if you were a Chiefs fan you'd be ticked they are one of three 3-0 teams and they are all the way down at the 15th place.
And entirely not related to the list - but MAN I feel bad for Lions fans. I so badly want them to do well. . .if they could manage 3 or 4 wins this year at least it would be SOMETHING. Poor Lions. Poor poor Lions.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The Evolution of a Hobby
So . . .welcome to the newly christened blog - THE EXTRA POINT!
What was previously known as This Week In Sports (which I recognize was a super boring name), is now known as the EXTRA POINT.
People in my life who are lawyers remind me that NFL already has a site call Extra Points (for their fantasy football stuff) but since I'm small potatoes I'm ok with it. Not trying to take over the world or anything.
So if I'm not trying to take over the world, what AM I about here . . .
I'm not a sports expert
I am not a statistician
I am not an analyst
I'm not a journalist
I'm not a nut/junkie/freakfan
I AM a professional
I AM a mom
I AM a wife
I have things to do - BUT
I like sports. I like watching sporting events. I like attending sporting events.
So the idea here was just to have a little place for me to spout my mouth off (or fingers in this case), and make a few insights, share thoughts and if anyone besides people I am related to reads this, then I hope you enjoy!
What started as a 'regular feature' on my blog for my personal life, which is quickly becoming a photosharing site for my gorgeous daughter, I thought it might be fun to just break out the sports posts here in case you find my thoughts so interesting you're just dying to read all about it without having to weed thru all those pics of my gorgeous daughter.
I didn't edit any of the previous edits that I pulled out of the other blog so if you read back, some things may seem out of context...I also didn't copy over any of the comments and witty remarks...but trust me - they were WITTY.
Anyway friends, old and new, I hope to entertain you with all my sporting thoughts!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
T.W.I.S - v.6
Well twodoebs fans . . .this week in sports, there is much ado about, I'm not sure what. Two things come to mind.
1. Reggie Bush giving back his Heisman. Honestly I don't understand why this is a story. He broke a rule, he shouldn't get his award. The school already gave back their 'copy' of the award, and I think it was pretty clear the Heisman Trust was going to take it away anyway, so getting in front of it and giving it away for one doesn't make him magnanimous in my eyes. It was calculated and frankly made more of than I thought the entire situation deserved.
Now if you want to get into WHY he had to give it away - there's a world of stuff to be said here. He received "inappropriate benefits" - a.k.a. he got money as a college student from an agent or someone before he was a "professional". I have to admit, I'm not a huge college football fan - I don't really follow it. But to get your panties in a wad because these kids are being wined and dined and treated like professional athletes because we expect college athletics to be about pure young talent and school spirit - well this just tells me you have blinders on my friends. College athletics, especially football, is a BUSINESS. It's about money, TV contracts, promotion, MONEY. Look at all the shenanigans with the shakeups in all the conferences this year - it was about MONEY.
The waters are muddy here. They system is perfectly happy to let talented young athletes go to college for free for 2-3 years under the guise that it's for an education when all it really is is a protracted try out for professional sports. As soon as these kids can get their pay day - they jump. The system is also perfectly happy to be the beneficiary of large fluffy piles of money because of fans, gear, tickets, tv contracts and what not. THEN we expect these kids - who've been trained to see the dollar signs coming to them - NOT to be taken out to dinner by an agent? Not to sell a Jersey to an agent? On one hand the system is a total prostitute but we expect the student athletes to be virgins. I really don't care one way or another - let them take money, it would be more honest frankly.
But Reggie Bush - keep your yap shut about it. I don't think anyone cares.
2. Women in the locker room!
Ok people this is pretty simple actually. She was a professional doing her job. Her hotness level IS a factor because she is a TV REPORTER. I'm quite sure if she was a dumpy dog she wouldn't have that job. So - you put a super hot reporter in a room of quasi naked men, there are going to be 'issues' - looks, stares (from both sides). If everyone is upset by this then reporters shouldn't be allowed in the locker room.
I don't suspect SHE was that bothered - afterall more people know her name today than they did last week, right? I'm also fairly sure it's not the first time these men have been quasi naked have been in front of a woman (or a pretty woman for that fact) in their locker rooms.
Now - if everyone's going to be all bothered by this then the solution is simple. No more locker room interviews. And frankly, that's their DRESSING room! Perhaps we should let the athletes shower and dress THEN talk to the reporters. If the journalist types don't like the wait time - then everyone needs to be grown ups and carry on. An investigation, memos, statements etc - is just to satisfy an antsy public.
In Summary: We don't want ugly reporters (well ugly ladies anyway). We want instant and on the spot interviews. So - while those two things are true, there will be hot chicks in the locker room. We are all grown ups. Act accordingly.
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
T.W.I.S -v.5
Not that I've been bombarded by requests for more TWIS posts but I am dedicated to it (for now) so - I apologize for my lack of TWIS - but the end of August got away from me there. So here I am - TWIS v.5. And this week's TWIS has me thinking of Mr. Ben Roethlisberger.
Let's leave aside my anger, disappointment and general disgust with his behavior. In general though, I hope that he is able to find his footing, learn a bit, grow up a whole lot and basically stop being such an ass. He does however have a career in front of him to save and a few things occur to me.
1. Time heals all wounds. Yes. But wounds can be re-opened. At the time of his scandal people around the 'burgh were calling for his head on a platter. Trade him, cut him, who cares just get rid of this giant buffoon of embarrassment. The sports talk radio types and fans all tempered that anger and reminded people that when he throws his first reception, touchdown pass - all will be forgiven. That's frustrating and true. As the summer passed and other NFL'ers had DUI's, Gun trouble, strip club fights - the pendulum started to swing in Ben's favor. People feeling he'd been unfairly punished started rushing behind their franchise man hoping for a reduced suspension.
While a 'less than 4 game' dream never came to be it seemed those sports talk radio types were right. Everyone was just biding their time til Big Ol' Ben returns. Now however we are the start of another NFL of the season and the Steelers are without a number 1 AND number 2 QB, leaving a 'kid' and an 'old man' as the two best choices! I wonder if those Ben fans might not question - if the QB hadn't been such a disgusting, pompous, potentially criminal jerk - the Steelers likely wouldn't be IN this position in the first place. If Ben fans aren't thinking this - I sure hope BEN is!
2. But where does he go from here?? I heard the following discussed and it's a fascinatingly true point. There is only one way out of this if he wants to save his career. Keep your nose clean and WIN. Keep winning. Shut up, play football and win.
Look at Kobe Bryant vs. Tiger Woods. Both caught up in equally gross (though one more criminal) but both unseemly scandals involving women - sex outside the marriage etc. Since Kobe's trial (and associated tribulations) he's been quiet, clean, wins games and championships. He's not meek - he's still a competitor but that scandal is all but closed in his past. Tiger on the other hand appears to be in a downward spiral of failure and with each additional 'failure' at a Major the story just gets worse as we all pityingly shake our heads at this colossal debacle. His standoffish ways now just make him look like a jerk marinating in his misery brought on by his own actions. Whereas before, standoffishness was earned by his unprecedented success. His sponsors have left, his wife is gone, success is out of reach. He appears to have been a facade, a mirage. He's no longer the great and powerful. We see the small man behind the mask.
Clearly Tiger's woes are much closer in time and who knows where we will be in a few years but I can assure you - if he doesn't start winning there won't be much of a Tiger story to tell in a few years.
So Ben - spend this next month recognizing the absolute havoc you've wreaked on your own life, and this team (not to mention an unnamed girl down in GA). There's a lot of clock left on his career and he can write the end of this story.
And despite what people might say about Goodell having a god complex and having radically varying punishments, I frankly think he was right in this case. I don't care about other athletes troubles and punishments. What Goodell has done to give Ben a check will hopefully be just the restart he so badly needs.
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
T.W.I.S - v.4
Oooooooh yeah. This Week In Sports is SOOOO cool now - it's abbreviated to T.W.I.S. I am making an effort to have this post be a touch shorter since I think some of the past T.W.I.S. posts have been a little lengthy.
1. Way to go A-ROD!!! It's a very cool milestone and I can't help but remember that I was AT the 500th homerun on one of the most hilarious flukes. My esteemed co-bloggers parents decided 'hey, let's go to a Yankee game before Yankee stadium closes!'. We, a coupla New Yorkers at the time said 'GREAT! let's do it'. So we went on StubHub or some ticket outlet and paid a whole mess of money to go to a game several months down the road thinking,"Oooooh, we'll go in August which will be pretty close to the end of season so it will be cooler to be at the 'old Yankee Stadium' RIGHT before it closes"! Smart right? Trouble was - we were off by a year. The summer of 2007 was NOT in fact the last summer of 'old Yankee Stadium'. Feeling like a bunch of dolts when we figured that out, we decided to carry on, it's still a Yankee game right? Well wouldn't ya know it - we witnessed history that day. By accident. Wish I coulda been there today A-Rod! Good for you.
2. Brett Farve - retired??? or not??? Bottom line is this - back in the day when he was in his Cheesehead glory, I thought he was a down to earth, regular guy who just loved to play football. Now I think he's a down to earth, regular guy, who loves to play football, but doesn't realize that this flip flopping and holding his team hostage while he 'waits to decide' is making him look like a total A$$. You're being selfish Brett. You say, 'I will play this season if my ankle gets better'. Well guess what old man - the season has started. It's time to ____ or get off the pot. I wear my "Judas Farve" t-shirt with pride.
3. Hi GILLES!!!! Glad to know you're out there even if you can't figure out how to post a comment.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
This Week In Sports - Volume 3
Well looky here. . . 3 weeks in a row. You can see I'm so proud of myself, I decided to label this one 'Volume 3', because I'm fancy. Maybe next week I'll add more pizzazz to the titling of this post. Alright now - here's for my thoughts.
1. Last week - a Federal Judge in CT declared Quinnipiac College could not use Cheerleading as part of their sporting opportunities for women in order to be compliant with Title 9. In other words - some nimrod decided Cheerleading wasn't a sport. My local sports talk radio called it 'the activity going on over on the side while sports are happening', and 'foreplay'. Dear twodoebs readers, I am IRATE over this. Yes I agree there are plenty of hooker-ish tramps dallying around on the sidelines and doing little else - these, I agree are not athletes. But competitive cheerleaders of ALL AGES (middle school thru college) are EVERY BIT the athletes of other "sanctioned" (read all kinds of sarcasm into those quotes) sports. May I add - some of the qualifications to be considered a sport include having uniforms (CHECK), coaches (CHECK) and competitive endeavors (C-H-E-C-K). I realize this next thing I'm about to say may cause another line of conversation - but Cheerleading is in fact the most dangerous SPORT in terms of injury to women. Just google it - you'll find lots, including this article from MedPage. Bottom line folks is this - as someone who spent YEARS in the SPORT of Cheerleading - to say that it isn't tells me presumptions are being made based on stereotype - not on knowledge.
2. Dez Bryant is an idiot. Firstly he comes out of the draft process crying to the media AFTER he was drafted by the Cowboys whining that the questions he got asked by the Dolphins were 'too personal'. Sorry kiddo - a team that is about to spend MILLIONS on you - has a right to know whether you are from a crime riddled family that will cause them media grief for years to come. NOW he, while being rather gently hazed by a veteran on his team (hazed = being told to carry the veterans pads to the locker room after practice) refuses saying he was drafted to play football, not carry pads. (oh oh oh - and NOW he's coming out saying 'he didn't know' about hazing the rookies and feels terribly that it got blown so out of proportion. Sure - I believe that) Here's what I know about you Dez - you're a whiner - you are too full of yourself ALREADY and are quite possibly one of my least favorite players and not one snap has been taken. Young sir - you just earned a wonderful opportunity in the NFL. How about you show a little humility. How about you shut up, keep your head down and don't walk into this presuming you know everything.
3. A-Rod still hasn't hit that 600th. I'm doin my best to follow along for ya A-Rod.
4. Tiger is still a major league jerk, even tho there's no real news about him this week.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
This Week In Sports
Hey!! Look at me!! Two weeks in a row. Go Me.
Ok, now down to business.
1. I know this was last week (and in last weeks T.W.I.S. post) but George Steinbrenner died. No, not news any more but it's been pondered quite a bit on sports talk radio. Was he good for baseball? Well as a Yankee fan - YES! But as a current resident in a much smaller much less wealthy market whose baseball team suffers for both those qualities, PERHAPS. Before moving to Pittsburgh, all I knew about the Pirates is that they sucked. Now I know that they suck and despite a rather focused effort on building and growing young talent, as soon as they are able - a wealthy team like the Yankees will just swoop in and buy them. Again, as a Yankee fan. Hahahahahah. But as the current resident of a city whose team sucks due in part to the Yankees, this kind of sucks. But in the wise words of my co-blogger - Football is Socialism and Baseball is Capitalism. So players go where the money and opportunity is best. Can you really blame them? I suppose not. Does this mean baseball is suffering because of its captialism??? Dear readers - you tell me!
2. Serena Williams may miss the US Open because of a hurt foot. Not just a hurt foot - but a foot that needs surgery because she stepped on a broken piece of glass at a restaurant (????? That no one has investigated THIS seemingly unlikely story further is beyond me). In any event - to this I say HOOOORAY! After last years' ANTICS I thoroughly thought she should be banned this year. That was pathetic and not to be tolerated. Moreso though - I am SO SICK OF THE WILLIAMS SISTERS. Add to it, I'm sick of Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal. Tennis us become such a sport of 5-7 athletes, it's terribly boring. I want new stories, new people, new anything. PLEASE. So Serena, stay home and rest your foot. I will watch the US Open and not miss you one bit.
3. Tiger sucked it up at the Brisith Open. Tiger, you're a jerk.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
I probably shouldn't title this post "This Week In Sports" as it indicates I will posting every week and don't want to make any such promise - but in any event, I just did. There is much on my mind as it relates to sports this week so here goes . . .
1. George Steinbrenner - love him or hate him, you GOTTA admit he was a character and a leader and made the Yankees the dominant force they are today. For that I love him. And he dies on All-Star Game day - a headline stealer to the end. R.I.P George.
2. LeBron James - there was much bandied about on that other website we won't mention (but it's intials are FB) a few nights ago. Half the people were cheering his move (these people all lived in Florida I think) and the other half were mad that it was getting this much attention. There are probably a few shades of other thoughts in between (like those who were just commenting on how much everyone was commenting). Here are my thoughts - while I admit the NBA means absolutely NOTHING to me and I cannot stand watching basketball, I do NOT understand why such a fuss was paid to this whole thing. It's like they were covering an election night!! Yes, I could wax poetic about how asinine it is that 10 MILLION people stopped what they were doing last week to watch this HOUR LONG special when there are 'real' issues in the world like the oil spill, wars, etc etc. I won't be that holier than thou - I spend lots of time watching equally silly crap on T.V. What REALLY boggles my mind is why he's been named "The King" (no offense Elvis) and is getting bajillion $$ to play his game when he is NOT proven to be a winner. AND WORSE, appeared to give up during the playoffs this year. I don't get it . . .I don't like it . . .I'm over it.
3. THE WORLD CUP!!!!!! I adore global sports; I think most of you know how giddy I get over the Olympics. I love the World Cup and watched as MUCH as possible, even with those pesky restraints of oh, say a job and a baby and a house to care for. But I got to thinkin about the World Cup and the state of soccer in general in this country, and here's where I landed. - Soccer will never reach the popularity of football or basketball. Even though I contend that more kids in the U.S. play soccer when they are little, it just doesn't hold enough power to overcome the big two. Even tho every World Cup year, the commentators talk about the growing popularity in the US and whether "this" will be the World Cup year that really establishes soccer in the US. It ain't gonna happen. Not to say it's not a great sport or great to watch, it's just not going to happen. Our good players go to Europe where the payday is good and there simply aren't enough 'stars' to make it a league with intriguing enough stories for people to get excited about. (Though Landon Donovan and his love child is fairly interesting). - "Club" soccer is confusing . . .there are so many leagues and players that play for multiple teams at different times of year; players go on loan to other teams (which I TOTALLY don't get)...we Americans like it simple. Baseball begins in April and ends in October. Football begins in August and ends in February. Hockey just goes on forever. A player is on one team until officially traded at prescribed points during the year. These are rules we understand . . .if Soccer is ever going to pick up around here, I think it needs clearer 'rules'! - REGARDLESS of the aforementioned - I STILL will cheer for US and hope they do well in the W.C. And I WILL watch the W.C. because it's FUN. Someone recently chided "World Cup Fans" for being a bunch of posers alleging that if we don't go to MLS games then we are just bandwagon hoppers 'for a few weeks every 4 years'. To this I say - WHO CARES!!! I don't go watch Track and Field events, Swimming Events, Beach Volleyball events, XGames or really ANY of the Olympic sports that I COULD go watch inbetween Olmpic years and I still love watching the Olympics. Should I go to an MLS game? Sure, why not. But I don't (and the 'burgh doesn't have a soccer team anyway). But there is NOTHING wrong with enjoying this sport once every 4 years to cheer on your country. If you think the game is boring, just give it a try in 2014 - I think you'll enjoy it - - - if for nothing else, all the delightful acting!
4. British Open - Tiger Woods, you're a jerk.
1. George Steinbrenner - love him or hate him, you GOTTA admit he was a character and a leader and made the Yankees the dominant force they are today. For that I love him. And he dies on All-Star Game day - a headline stealer to the end. R.I.P George.
2. LeBron James - there was much bandied about on that other website we won't mention (but it's intials are FB) a few nights ago. Half the people were cheering his move (these people all lived in Florida I think) and the other half were mad that it was getting this much attention. There are probably a few shades of other thoughts in between (like those who were just commenting on how much everyone was commenting). Here are my thoughts - while I admit the NBA means absolutely NOTHING to me and I cannot stand watching basketball, I do NOT understand why such a fuss was paid to this whole thing. It's like they were covering an election night!! Yes, I could wax poetic about how asinine it is that 10 MILLION people stopped what they were doing last week to watch this HOUR LONG special when there are 'real' issues in the world like the oil spill, wars, etc etc. I won't be that holier than thou - I spend lots of time watching equally silly crap on T.V. What REALLY boggles my mind is why he's been named "The King" (no offense Elvis) and is getting bajillion $$ to play his game when he is NOT proven to be a winner. AND WORSE, appeared to give up during the playoffs this year. I don't get it . . .I don't like it . . .I'm over it.
3. THE WORLD CUP!!!!!! I adore global sports; I think most of you know how giddy I get over the Olympics. I love the World Cup and watched as MUCH as possible, even with those pesky restraints of oh, say a job and a baby and a house to care for. But I got to thinkin about the World Cup and the state of soccer in general in this country, and here's where I landed. - Soccer will never reach the popularity of football or basketball. Even though I contend that more kids in the U.S. play soccer when they are little, it just doesn't hold enough power to overcome the big two. Even tho every World Cup year, the commentators talk about the growing popularity in the US and whether "this" will be the World Cup year that really establishes soccer in the US. It ain't gonna happen. Not to say it's not a great sport or great to watch, it's just not going to happen. Our good players go to Europe where the payday is good and there simply aren't enough 'stars' to make it a league with intriguing enough stories for people to get excited about. (Though Landon Donovan and his love child is fairly interesting). - "Club" soccer is confusing . . .there are so many leagues and players that play for multiple teams at different times of year; players go on loan to other teams (which I TOTALLY don't get)...we Americans like it simple. Baseball begins in April and ends in October. Football begins in August and ends in February. Hockey just goes on forever. A player is on one team until officially traded at prescribed points during the year. These are rules we understand . . .if Soccer is ever going to pick up around here, I think it needs clearer 'rules'! - REGARDLESS of the aforementioned - I STILL will cheer for US and hope they do well in the W.C. And I WILL watch the W.C. because it's FUN. Someone recently chided "World Cup Fans" for being a bunch of posers alleging that if we don't go to MLS games then we are just bandwagon hoppers 'for a few weeks every 4 years'. To this I say - WHO CARES!!! I don't go watch Track and Field events, Swimming Events, Beach Volleyball events, XGames or really ANY of the Olympic sports that I COULD go watch inbetween Olmpic years and I still love watching the Olympics. Should I go to an MLS game? Sure, why not. But I don't (and the 'burgh doesn't have a soccer team anyway). But there is NOTHING wrong with enjoying this sport once every 4 years to cheer on your country. If you think the game is boring, just give it a try in 2014 - I think you'll enjoy it - - - if for nothing else, all the delightful acting!
4. British Open - Tiger Woods, you're a jerk.
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