Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Evolution of a Hobby

So . . .welcome to the newly christened blog - THE EXTRA POINT!
What was previously known as This Week In Sports (which I recognize was a super boring name), is now known as the EXTRA POINT.

People in my life who are lawyers remind me that NFL already has a site call Extra Points (for their fantasy football stuff) but since I'm small potatoes I'm ok with it. Not trying to take over the world or anything.

So if I'm not trying to take over the world, what AM I about here . . .
I'm not a sports expert
I am not a statistician
I am not an analyst
I'm not a journalist
I'm not a nut/junkie/freakfan

I AM a professional
I AM a mom
I AM a wife
I have things to do - BUT
I like sports. I like watching sporting events. I like attending sporting events.

So the idea here was just to have a little place for me to spout my mouth off (or fingers in this case), and make a few insights, share thoughts and if anyone besides people I am related to reads this, then I hope you enjoy!

What started as a 'regular feature' on my blog for my personal life, which is quickly becoming a photosharing site for my gorgeous daughter, I thought it might be fun to just break out the sports posts here in case you find my thoughts so interesting you're just dying to read all about it without having to weed thru all those pics of my gorgeous daughter.

I didn't edit any of the previous edits that I pulled out of the other blog so if you read back, some things may seem out of context...I also didn't copy over any of the comments and witty remarks...but trust me - they were WITTY.

Anyway friends, old and new, I hope to entertain you with all my sporting thoughts!

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